Lessons from a Hackathon – Practical Tools for Driving Change
Empowering Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes in the Capacity2Transform Project This article delves into the concept of hackathons and highlights their…
Editor’s Pick
Lessons from a Hackathon – Practical Tools for Driving Change
Empowering Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes in the Capacity2Transform Project This article delves…
Environmental NGO World Café: Celebrating local heroes and fostering collaboration
The Iri Center and the Faculty of Economics in Split recently hosted…
Leveraging Crowdfunding with Audience Definition and Engagement Strategies
Crowdfunding has emerged as a powerful way to bring creative ideas, innovative…
To make green greener: The GreenFluencer Academy

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Upskilling for the Future: Navigating the Digital, Green, and Creative Landscape of Entrepreneurship
In today’s rapidly changing world, entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly complex and challenging….
The Twin Challenge: How CCIs and ST_SMEs are Navigating Digital and Green Transitions
In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and a growing awareness…
What does Digital and Green Transformation bring to business?
The Imperative for Companies: Explore – Understand – Implement! By mapping stakeholders…
Lessons from a Hackathon – Practical Tools for Driving Change
Empowering Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes in the Capacity2Transform Project This article delves into the concept of hackathons and highlights their…
Mushroom Cups – From trendsetter to everyday healthy routine
Proudly presenting one of the stakeholders of the Capacity2Transform project, Mushroom Cups, who enthusiastically accepted the invitation from IRI CENTER…
Upskilling for the Future: Navigating the Digital, Green, and Creative Landscape of Entrepreneurship
In today’s rapidly changing world, entrepreneurship is becoming increasingly complex and challenging….
How to create an atmosphere in the business environment that fosters and supports creativity?
Cultural and creative industries have become important and one of the most…
Bridging Science, Business, and Universities: Fostering cooperation, knowledge transfer, and entrepreneurship
While it may sound straightforward in theory, connecting these three actors –…